A downloadable Chicklash


-Added Rusher back

-Improved the Cutscene UI

-Slightly improved the Layout of level 3 Boss arena

-Added SFX to enemies

-Tracker for mouse on player

-Health bars on enemy

-improved enemy spawn animation

V0.11d update

-improved shooter projectile

-fixed player mouse tracker

V0.11e update

-Enemy visibility

-Fixed some spellings

-added more vfx


-Added tutorial popups

-added an extra area in lvl 3 before the boss fight

-added a indicator for the rusher enemy

-added additional VFX to enemies

-fixed bug on being able to attack when using sword special

-adjusted the knockback on enemy


-fixed slime enemy orientation when too close

-closed off level 2 entrance so that the player cant go back to the bridge

-Improved rusher visual effects

-fixed level 3 boss fight not starting.

-fixed hit effect when the player hits enemies

Published 11 hours ago


Wrath of Chicklash V0.12a.7z 135 MB

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